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Implementing for Web/PWAs

While designing the plugin’s API, we found out that the web already supports screen orientation functionality (except on mobile devices, of course). You might be asking why what would be the purpose for our plugin to have a web implementation…couldn’t you programmatically detect if the user is on the web and use the Screen Orientation Web API, otherwise, use the plugin?

The mantra behind Web Native applications is “write once, run anywhere.” This applies to plugins as well; developers using Capacitor plugins ought to be able to use the same plugin class and methods and have them implemented for all platforms.

Therefore, we will be good developer-citizens and wrap the Screen Orientation Web API inside the web implementation of the ScreenOrientation plugin.

Extending Capacitor’s WebPlugin class

Open a new file src/plugins/screen-orientation/web.ts. This file is where we will write the web implementation of the ScreenOrientation plugin.

Start by declaring the ScreenOrientationWeb class, and have it extend WebPlugin:

import { WebPlugin } from '@capacitor/core';
import type { ScreenOrientationPlugin } from './definitions';

export class ScreenOrientationWeb extends WebPlugin {
  constructor() {

Capacitor’s WebPlugin class contains logic to notify any plugin listeners, which we’ll use to tell them when the screen orientation has changed. Let’s notify any listeners when the Screen Orientation Web API’s change event fires. Update the constructor like so:

constructor() {
   window.screen.orientation.addEventListener("change", () => {
     const type = window.screen.orientation.type;
     this.notifyListeners("screenOrientationChange", { type });

The WebPlugin class contains an implementation for the addListener() and removeAllListeners() methods defined in the ScreenOrientationPlugin interface. No additional work is needed to use those methods.

Implement the remaining methods

Let’s finish implementing the ScreenOrientationPlugin interface. Start by adjusting the class definition so that it actually implements the interface:

export class ScreenOrientationWeb
  extends WebPlugin
  implements ScreenOrientationPlugin

Then implement the remaining methods as part of the ScreenOrientationWeb class:

 async orientation(): Promise<{ type: OrientationType }> {
   return { type: window.screen.orientation.type };

 async lock(opts: { orientation: OrientationLockType }): Promise<void> {
   await window.screen.orientation.lock(opts.orientation);

 async unlock(): Promise<void> {

Registering the web implementation

To register ScreenOrientationWeb as our plugin’s web implementation, we need to use the second input parameter of registerPlugin(). Open src/plugins/screen-orientation/index.ts and update the declaration of the ScreenOrientation variable like so:

const ScreenOrientation = registerPlugin<ScreenOrientationPlugin>(
    web: () => import('./web').then(m => new m.ScreenOrientationWeb()),

Give it a test drive!

Test out the web implementation. Serve your application using ionic serve, and you can use your browser’s Development Tools to emulate a mobile device in both portrait and landscape screen orientations. The “Rotate my Device” button doesn’t function as there is poor web support for window.screen.orientation.lock(), but you should be able to see the different designs if you manually rotate the orientation using the developer tooling.

One platform implemented, two to go! Before diving into iOS and Android code, we should consider how to pattern and abstract it. Let’s review some patterns in the next step: code abstraction patterns.

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